Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Not Quite So Jobless

Today I got a temp job making phone calls for a company that sets up trust funds. No cold calling (thank goodness), but your typical, cheery did-you-get-this-document-notarized-yet-because-you-really-need-to-
in-case-you-die-unexpectedly calls. It's super flexible: I'm allowed to work whatever hours I want, however much or little I want, however long or short I want, and starting next week I'll be able to do it from home. Basically it's a perfect in-between stint while I'm looking for a "real" job, and works well around other temp work I'll hopefully get through temp agencies.
Yay for mums with random social networks.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Congratulations on your temp job. I do agree with the "Yeah for moms with social networking". It does come in handy.