Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Whim

Today was gloriously sunny and warm. We had to be outside, so--to try out the noodle-cutting feature on the pasta maker--we whipped out some fresh fettuccine in a butternut squash/parmesan sauce, grabbed some fresh berries, and lunched on the back porch.
Then we broke out our capris and headed into the city for the Saturday Market. I love the quirkiness of where I live, I really do; the market is a people-watcher's paradise.
While there, on another whim, I decided to buy a hat (something I rarely do). I figure I need some way of dealing with potential bad hair days from this new short, can't-pull-the-disaster-back-into-a-ponytail-and-forget-about-it hairstyle. Anyway, here it is: I like it. It makes me laugh.
(Side note: I sort of wish there was something more aesthetically pleasing than those tents in the background of the picture, but at least you can see the water.)
Ay, it was such a lovely day. I hope you were all able to be outside in it at some point. (Assuming, of course, the weather was as inviting wherever you are as it was here...) Days like today simply demand it.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Daniel and I like the hat!