I love fall.
parchment paper, chalkboard paint, free museum weekends, public transportation, online cultural resources, free apps to help you learn non-roman scripts, science experiments, cast iron dutch ovens, cast iron dutch oven lids which double as a skillets, power drills, gallery walls, taco nights with friends, vegetarian cookbooks, apples on sale, the way flowers brighten a room, new curtains, globes, Friday night outings, engineering paper, movie-makers not destroying my favorite book, movie-makers creating something beautiful based on my favorite book, theater pubs, Gutenberg, sunny-yet-freezing weather, new dishtowels, hand-thrown pottery, the golden ratio, secondhand stores, stained glass, and the word "kerfuffle," among other things.
-sigh- So beautiful.
Wow! That's a gorgeous shot! :-)
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