Thursday, April 24, 2008


I went to my graduation rehearsal today. It was pretty...exciting. We all stood with little numbered cards in single file lines, and then walked in a few circles, and then listened to people talk for half an hour about what we could expect at the real ceremony. Here's what to expect: where you are, who you're standing next to, and the order of events will be completely different on Saturday than this rehearsal, so follow the instructions they'll give you then. (So, we're practicing this, why?...)
No, it actually wasn't bad. If nothing else, it was an excuse for everyone from the Lingual Mingle (the cool people in the linguistics department) (okay, actually it's pretty much the whole department...all ten of us) to gather and head out for lunch together one last time.
I also got my cap and gown today. And--while I am very glad not to have bright yellow robes like some other universities (black is always safe)--I have to say, the hood-thing is a bit disappointing. Ugly, actually. Black with a green stripe sounds okay, right? Picture it, however, lined with the purest of white...faux fur. (You know, the kind of synthetic fur-stuff they put inside jackets sometimes? Yeah. Whose idea was that?)


Amanda said...

Maybe they'll let you purchase the hood too for an additional threenie?

photojhh said...

But look at the bright side regarding the robe's fashion statement. Since you had to *buy* it, you'll get to wear it later at some appropriate occasion,

Oh well. ;-)

Marybeth said...

Nope, actually, we have to give it all back. Unless, of course, I want to give them $5 (in exact change) for the cap. Hm.