Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today I sat through my last undergrad class.
There are so many lasts right now: last English paper, last class, last package to pick up from the mail centre, last time shopping at my local fruit market here...
But somehow, they don't really seem to register with me. I had my last class, and--even knowing it was the last--it seemed like any other class. I waited for some sense of loss or happiness or even surreality, but it didn't come. That's how almost all "lasts" seem to be. I left the classroom, like I always do, and the fact that I would not be going back next week didn't phase me because I know next week I'll be doing what next week brings.
It makes me feel sort of broken. Like I should be weepy or thrilled or nostalgic (or preparing to be nostalgic), like the other graduates seem to be. But I'm not. -shrug-
Just some musings.


Jamie said...

Congrats, Mary! I was like you in that after I finished I felt like "Where is all the hype and elation?" It did not come, but it was indeed done and the future brought much joy.

Daniel wants to write you a note-
hjjhfgfjhjh,nbmgfryuion n

Since you are the linguist, I will let you figure out the translation.

Marybeth said...
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Marybeth said...

As the brilliant, almost-graduated linguist I am, I have successfully translated Daniel's message:
"Aunt Mary, you're definitely my favourite aunt, and I can't wait to see you again."

Amanda said...

That is a highly agglutinative language.