Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Chance Encounter

I was treating my senioritis with a leisurely walk along the semi-wooded paths of my neighborhood this afternoon, and this fellow came slithering along next to me:
He was quite friendly. We had a bit of a mutually-fascinated staring contest for a while, and then he consented to sit very still while I took his picture, even letting me come quite close before he decided he had had enough of fame and wanted to return to the comfort of the shady undergrowth.
He's a smart snake, I think.
I like him.
(For more snake and random tree pictures from my walk today, you can check out my album.)


Jamie said...

I am glad that you enjoyed your friend on your walk. I am not sure that I would have stayed around long enough to make his acquaintance. :-)

Happy Half Birthday too!

photojhh said...
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photojhh said...

Great shots from your Spring Walk! I especially like the close-ups of your snake friend! I'm reminded of the photo I took of you as a grade-schooler, holding a snake in your hand at the flying "M" ranch. But wait! I have the scanned photo albums on my computer. (Short pause.) Here is the relevant album page from 1993:

Snakey Friend