Friday, April 11, 2008

Grad Announcement

So, I recently picked up my grad tickets and announcements. I looked in the envelope, and they gave me the six allotted tickets, and a grand total of two announcements. Two? What is the use of two announcements? If they're assuming that the people I'm inviting are family units, wouldn't they give me at least three, for three potential couples? I think it's silly. Fortunately, they're not very attractive, so I'm not planning to send them out anyway. But really.
In lieu of helpful little tagboard cards, I will make the announcement here: I am graduating from university, 26 April 2008. My ceremony is at 6:30 in the evening, probably the most inconvenient time imaginable to sit through a two-hour ceremony (I have to be there at 5:30...when's dinner going to happen, I'd like to know). But then it will be over and I will be finished with university. Hopefully that doesn't mean I'm supposed to know what I want to do when I grow up.

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