Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I would just like to point out that momentary, exhaustion-induced dyslexia is sad. I just checked word-count on the paper I have due tomorrow (or I should say, later today), and read 2928. That made me happy, since the target count is 3250. But I don't have 2928 words, I have only 2298. That may not seem like a big deal proportionally, but it makes a big difference to the morale of a tired person trying to finish a paper at 2am.
Back to plugging away...
(On a brighter note, my paper is about university freshman social/academic survival tactics from field observations I've made throughout the term, and I'm getting to write it as a voiceover script for a nature-documentary: Freshman in the Mist. Bwa ha ha.)


Amanda said...

That's sad. Worthy of a banana-walnut pancake breakfast sad.

Jamie said...

That is sad indeed. How was your banana-walnut pancake breakfast?

Kathy said...
