Friday, April 18, 2008

Comfort in Smallness

So, as I've been finishing up school this week and trying to sort out and meet expectations for my work and what I do and who I am, I've been thinking about a particular part in C.S. Lewis' (amazing) novel, Perelandra. For those of you who haven't read it, one of the characters basically saves the world and is having a bit of a personal crisis about the enormity of that (understandably), and one of the other characters (it's sort of complicated to explain here, but it's a sort of god-like character, stronger than humans but servant to Maledil, the One True God) reminds him that it was Maledil at work.
He tells him: "Be comforted small one, in your smallness."
I love that. We are small, and it is such a comfort. We can't take credit for great things which "we" do, nor can we bear the burden of "messing up" God's plans. We have no cause to boast, nor to despair. We're just not big enough for either one. And in our smallness we are held tightly by the Master of the Universe, whose greatness cannot be contained in all the heavens, and yet whose love for us--his crazy, messed-up, broken children--is infinite.
Whoever is reading this, I hope that you are enfolded in the deep shalom of God today.
May you take comfort in your smallness.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I'm reading the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And it doesn't make me feel small, but it does make me smile when Lucy keeps gasping about seeing Aslan. Maybe because I have a student in my class who is also prone to gasping.