Saturday, February 6, 2010

The snow continues...

I awoke to this this morning, with snow still falling heavily and fast:

Yes, that is a car under there. Even less of it is visible now.

And no, that's not an illusion. The entire porch is full of snow up that high on railings.

Pardon the spots...I had to shoot these through the door, as it won't open, on account of the snow piled against it. (The front door is fine, though, with the overhang and all, so it's not like I'm officially "snowed in".)

Some very nice neighbor guys of mine shoveled my walk and stairs for me, and so I got to stay warm and dry and eat banana-walnut pancakes and drink hot coffee while I watched the snow outside. (I didn't sit and eat while watching them shovel, though...I thought that might be a little mean.)

The snow is supposed to continue all through today and tonight, and there are rumors that another storm will hit on Tuesday.

Somehow, I don't think I'll be going to church tomorrow...

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