If you're interested, there are some more pictures from the morning in my album, including the neighborhood and the nearby park.
parchment paper, chalkboard paint, free museum weekends, public transportation, online cultural resources, free apps to help you learn non-roman scripts, science experiments, cast iron dutch ovens, cast iron dutch oven lids which double as a skillets, power drills, gallery walls, taco nights with friends, vegetarian cookbooks, apples on sale, the way flowers brighten a room, new curtains, globes, Friday night outings, engineering paper, movie-makers not destroying my favorite book, movie-makers creating something beautiful based on my favorite book, theater pubs, Gutenberg, sunny-yet-freezing weather, new dishtowels, hand-thrown pottery, the golden ratio, secondhand stores, stained glass, and the word "kerfuffle," among other things.
Great snow shots! I especially like the rows of cars under the weight of millions of snowflakes. :-)
Love the photos - pretty impressive amount of snow!
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