Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm still alive

So, I haven't updated my blog in a while. And I have been told that this is because--now that I have a job and all that jazz--I have nothing interesting to say.
This is in fact not true.
In fact, I'm just lazy. I've composed several fascinating, thought-provoking and/or cheerily anecdotal blog posts in my head, but somehow the thought of pulling out the computer and writing them down has seemed like such a hassle that they've remained there in my head rather than here for all of you to enjoy.
It's a pity, really. You've missed out.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Daniel is quite disappointed to have missed out. I think he has a few blog posts in his head that he hasn't typed either. Thus, I guess you both are even. :-)

Jamie, Daniel, and John