Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ravioli and Future Reminiscence

Today my grandma and I had a lovely time making spinach ricotta raviloi with butter-walnut-sage sauce, accompanied by homemade olive-thyme artisan bread and green salad. I like cooking with my grandma. We just sort of make things up as we go (including messes, which are an essential part of cooking, in my opinion). And--of course--the outcome was quite tasty. Come fall we're going to make some butternut squash tortellini (you know, once squash is actually in season); always something to look forward to.
Then when I got home I got to watch history in the making as I watched Michael Phelps dramatically win his seventh gold in Beijing. While I'm not so much into this "he's the greatest Olympian ever" thing (since he happens to be in a sport which allows so many medals--unlike, say, beach volleyball or gymnastics or decathalons--I don't think being the "most decorated" necessarily makes him the "greatest"), it is fun to be a part of the world watching him win this many medals and know that in twelve or sixteen or twenty years at the future Olympics when they're still talking about this epic Olympic performance, I'll be able to tell little Daniel and John and other as-yet-unknown little people in my life that I remember watching it happen. Not that they'll necessarily care. But I'll still add it to my "I remember when" repetoire (which currently includes cassette tapes, dot matrix printers, the advent of PCs, gas under $1/gallon and life before the internet or cell phones, among other things). (For those of you who have vinyl records and gigantic black-and-white televisions in your growing-up memories, said repetoire may seem laughable, but hey, yours is laughable to the generations before you, too...I mean, what's the introduction of color television compared to the new-fangledess of horseless carriages or printing presses, really?).
Anyway. That was a super random, sleep-deprivation-induced tangent. These Olympics really need to end so I can get some sleep.
At least it's the weekend now. No alarm clock for me tomorrow.

1 comment:

Grandpa & Grandma said...

I love cooking with you, we never have to be serious or follow instructions too carefully and laughing is an essential part of the whole process. Can hardly wait until fall and our next cooking experience.
Love, Grandma