Monday, August 18, 2008

Flashbacks: The Introduction

So, you may have noticed that I have a list in the sidebar of my blog entitled "Things I Learned Experientially in Europe." Some of you have even commented that you enjoyed them. But I'm also guessing that--unless you are Julie or my mum, and learned experientially alongside me--you have no idea what most of them mean. Nor really about anything else that happened on the trip.
And so, since it made me a bit sad that so much uniquely entertaining blog fodder presented itself to me at a time when I was blogging very inconsistently (namely when I was wandering around Europe nursing my inner-Luddite and generally trying to pretend that electronic devices didn't exist) (except digital cameras), I have decided to subject you all to a series of flashbacks. Therein I will share some of those amusing, crushing, bizarre and/or otherwise noteworthy things which I didn't share at the time. Aren't you excited?
Of course, since my current life is also continuing (and is naturally full of amusing, crushing and bizarre elements of its own), these flashbacks will be sprinkled throughout those entries which I would write now anyway.
However, I've taken up so much room with this introduction it seems that it would be overkill to actually share a flashback now. So you'll have to wait.
(Just trying to give you something to look forward to...)
(Yes, that was a blatant defiance of the "don't end sentences with prepositions" rule. Bwa ha ha.)


photojhh said...

I don't know about anyone else, but *I* am excited to hear the glorious details about your aforementioned adventures! And, feel free to use prepositions at the end; I think they are a perfectly good element to end a sentence with. ;-)

Amanda said...
