Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Free stuff!

It turns out that we will have (some) furniture for our apartment after all. The church's music department is getting rid of some old couches and whatnot, and thus one purple sofa and one chair/ottoman pair (with, as my mum describes it: "small checks that're blue and gold and cream and pinkish"...aka "ugly") have been bestowed upon us. Aesthetically unappealing, but very affordable! That's how first furniture is supposed to be, anyway, hey? I think I would feel like I was missing out on part of the apartment-getting experience if the furniture was actually attractive.
But anyway, now, if you ever come visit, we'll actually have a place for you to sit down. Yay.
Now the hunt is on for a coffee table...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Yay for furniture and people's generosity!!