Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Packing, packing, packing

The days are dwindling down to my departure date (wow, all of that alliteration was unintentional, I swear).
So far, my pack is at a tolerable 35lbs once my carry-on (with its full litre of water and two additional books) is stuffed inside.
I'm still a bit torn on the reading material. While browsing at Powell's the other day I stumbled upon the complete Las Crónicas de Narnia, on sale no less, which is definitely coming. It has the charming combination of including some of my favorite stories of all time and still requiring a long time for me to read it (the whole other-language thing does slow me down a bit). I think I'll probably bring the Complete Father Brown by Chesterton, too; it has come on every international trip I've yet made. There's something very handy about having short stories around while traveling. And the print is really small.
But I think I'd like to take at least one full-length book (in English). I thought about Les Mis, given it's long-with-small-print factor and the fact that I'll be visiting Paris (and that it's one of my favorites), but ultimately it's a bit bulky to add. Right now I'm hovering on Chesterton's The Everlasting Man, which requires some thought (and again, has small print, but with a much smaller bulk than Les Mis). But that leaves me with two Chestertons, which in turn leaves me feeling somewhat confined. What if I have a distinct not-in-the-mood-for-Chesterton day? What then? Maybe I should throw something in that's not British. Some Dumas, perhaps (I'll be in Italy, after all). The Count of Monte Cristo is rather swashbuckling. Some Tolstoy? Moliere, or Montaigne? Maybe Hugo after all?
I just don't know.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Maybe Montaigne? Paris. Old essays in the European countryside. Then again, it's not quite the "full length book"... Hmm...

It's too bad Les Mis is too big. -sigh- So beautiful.