Saturday, March 22, 2008


Note to self: no more crossing the border on Easter weekend. Three hours and thirty-eight minutes in the southbound line. (And all for some peanut butter.)


photojhh said...

Wow, that's a spectacular crossing time! For peanut butter? They don't sell peanut butter in Canada?

BTW, I was recently reminded of your profile. Specifically, you mentioned the word, "thither." Today I encountered that word in *real* literature: The Hobbit. Tolkein wrote of goblins being scattered "hither and thither." It made me happy to think of "my Marbyeth" at that point in the story!

(Note that I had to put Middlemarch on hold, since The Hobbit must go back to the library for the next patron on its waiting list -- and I own Middlemarch, so it can wait a bit.)

Anyway, enjoy the peanut butter -- you deserve it! :-)

Amanda said...

But it's good peanut butter... ;)

photojhh said...

Amanda --

I hope it is very very good peanut butter!

Of course, the waiting time gave you and Marybeth 3:38 hours to discuss the Mysteries of the Universe! :-)