Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Swallow Falls

My first camping trip of the year!  My friends and I headed out to Swallow Falls State Park in western Maryland.  There we are, at the top of Maryland's tallest waterfall:

Okay, yes, all of us on the trip are from the west coast, so it wasn't all that spectacular as a "tallest" waterfall.  To us, it was more of a waterstep.  But that didn't prevent its being quite beautiful.  And you could clamber around on rocks and even go behind the falls a bit, which was obviously fun.

We also encountered an army of tiny frogs at our campsite.  I mean, tiny:

They were everywhere.  Some were as small as my pinky nail.  It was impressive.

Add campfires, star-watching, a resounding thunderstorm, tarp forts, canoeing, more hiking, good conversation, freakishly large (beautiful) moths, and an almost continuous bout of hysterical laughter (it happens when Stephanie and I get together...what can I say?), and you have good times.

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