Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another life-long dream fulfilled

I had my first pottery class tonight.

You know how people say that throwing pottery is a lot more difficult than it looks? Those people are right. Even going into this assuming that it would be harder than it looked I was struck with its difficulty. Very fun, though. I'm assuming I'll get better at some point, and it will be even more fun, because when I'm finished I'll have pretty things instead of supposed-to-be-a-cylinder-but-looks-like-a-misshapen-bowl things. But hey, to quote my instructor: "If it has walls, and could hold water, then consider it a success." So, success!

And it's only the first night. Plenty of time for improvement.


Amanda said...

So exciting! :D

Melissa said...

I did a pottery class when I was your age and it was a lot of fun (but hard)! Steve even built me a kick wheel, but I never could get the hang of it - not that coordinated! Have fun and can't wait to see your creations :)

Jamie said...

Pottery is fun indeed...and difficult. I like what your instructor had to say about success. It is quite true although a bit disappointing when you had something specific in mind. :-) I cannot wait to see how your pottery turns out.