Sunday, May 6, 2012

Culinary Adventure (or, Sometimes They Really Do Have Those Warning Labels on There for a Reason)

So, I know it was stupid.

There I was, cutting french fries with my vegetable mandoline, and I had this one, funky, irregularly shaped piece of potato left over.

One half of my brain: I know you're never supposed to hold food in your hand when you use this crazy sharp tool, but it'll be okay just this once.

The other half of my brain: DANGER, Will Robinson!! DANGER!!

Unfortunately, that second voice wasn't quite fast enough, which is why I am now missing the tip of my right middle finger.

I'll spare you the details, but know: It was quite exciting.  Fortunately, we had a nurse practitioner visiting for dinner, so I didn't even have to go to urgent care.  It's all okay.  I'll just have a wonky looking finger for a while.

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